Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Event Flowers
Yellow Paper-Petals
Ev flower 035 01
Catalog Category
Port Resort
Sells For
60 Bells Bells

How to Obtain[]

Obtained via planting Ev seed 035 01 cmps Yellow Paper-Petal Seeds and harvesting after 3 Hour(s).

Lloid Trade-in Rewards[]


Name Theme Catalog Category Size Obtain Rarity
Int gar13 chair cmps
Port-Resort Lounge Chair
Natural Banner
Port Resort 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 2-10: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x50
  • Complete task 4-4: Collect Ev animal 061 01 Gold Dallycrab x10
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x20
Int gar13 fence2 cmps
Port-Resort Fence B
Natural Banner
Port Resort 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 4-6: Collect Ev animal 061 01 Gold Dallycrab x24
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x60
Int gar13 flower2 cmps
Yellow Paper-Petals (Potted)
Natural Banner
Port Resort 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x20
Int gar13 table cmps
Port-Resort Table
Natural Banner
Port Resort 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 2-5: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x18
  • Complete task 3-2: Collect Ev animal 061 00 Silver Dallycrab x3
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x20


  • None
