Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Event Flowers
Pink Morning Glories
Ev flower 023 02
Catalog Category
Garden Gathering
Sells For
60 Bells Bells

How to Obtain[]

Obtained via planting Ev seed 023 02 cmps P.-Morning-Glory Seeds and harvesting after 3 Hour(s).

Lloid Trade-in Rewards[]


Name Theme Catalog Category Size Obtain Rarity
Int gar02 lamp cmps
Morning-Glory Lanterns
Harmonious Banner
Garden Gathering 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gathering event:
  • Complete task 2-2: Collect Ev animal 038 01 Red Pinwheetle x5
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Ev animal 038 01 Red Pinwheetle x24
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 023 02 Pink Morning Glories x40
Int gar02 water cmps
Festival Lantern Canal
Harmonious Banner
Garden Gathering 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gathering event:
  • Complete task 1-2: Collect Ev animal 038 00 Green Pinwheetle x5
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 023 02 Pink Morning Glories x50
Int gar02 flower3 cmps
Potted P. Morning Glories
Harmonious Banner
Garden Gathering 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gathering event:
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 023 02 Pink Morning Glories x20


Name Theme Catalog Category Animal Suitability Obtain Rarity
Cap gar02 sza cmps
Isabelle Mask
Harmonious Banner
Garden Gathering Can wear Obtained from the Summer Block Party log-in bonuses, or in the following way during the Isabelle's Garden Gathering event:
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 023 02 Pink Morning Glories x30
