Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Garden Creature
Pink Flower Ladybug
Ev animal 004 00
Catalog Category
Spring Flowers
Sells For

How to Obtain[]

Obtained during Leif's Spring Flowers Event.

The flower required and the related spawn/capture percentage for the Pink Flower Ladybug are as follows:

Flower {{#tip-text: Spawn Percentage | Chance for creature to spawn on flower.}} {{#tip-text: Capture Percentage | Chance for player to capture creature.}}
Ev flower 004 00 White Clovers 60% 80%



Name Theme Catalog Category Size How to Obtain
Int 3010 bridge cmps
Floral Stepping Stones
Natural Banner
Spring Flowers 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Leif's Spring Flowers Event:
  • Complete task 1-9: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x40
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Ev animal 004 01 Yellow Flower Ladybug x20
  • Complete task 3-7: Collect Ev animal 005 00 Purple Flower Ladybug x25
  • Complete task 3-9: Collect Ev animal 005 00 Purple Flower Ladybug x40
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 004 02 Pink Sleeping Beauties x40
Int 3010 water cmps
Floral Canal
Natural Banner
Spring Flowers 6x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Leif's Spring Flowers Event:
  • Complete task 1-1: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x3
  • Complete task 1-3: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x9
  • Complete task 1-12: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x80
  • Complete task 3-4: Collect Ev animal 005 00 Purple Flower Ladybug x12
  • Complete task 4-1: Collect Ev animal 005 01 Navy Flower Ladybug x2
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 004 02 Pink Sleeping Beauties x40


Name Theme Catalog Category How to Obtain
Cap 3010 flower cmps
Spring Flower Crown
Natural Banner
Spring Flowers Obtained in the following way(s) during the Leif's Spring Flowers Event:
  • Complete task 1-5: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x15
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 004 00 White Clovers x10
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 004 01 Yellow Sleeping Beauties x10
Tops 3010 blazer cmps
Shamrock Blazer
Natural Banner
Spring Flowers Obtained in the following way(s) during the Leif's Spring Flowers Event:
  • Complete task 1-11: Collect Ev animal 004 00 Pink Flower Ladybug x70
