Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Garden Creature
Pink Dallycrab
Ev animal 060 01
Catalog Category
Port Resort
Sells For

How to Obtain[]

Obtained during Gulliver's Port Resort.

The flower required and the related spawn/capture percentage for the Pink Dallycrab are as follows:

Flower {{#tip-text: Spawn Percentage | Chance for creature to spawn on flower.}} {{#tip-text: Capture Percentage | Chance for player to capture creature.}}
Ev flower 035 00 Pink Paper-Petals % %



Name Theme Catalog Category Size How to Obtain
Int gar13 chair cmps
Port-Resort Lounge Chair
Natural Banner
Port Resort 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 2-10: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x50
  • Complete task 4-4: Collect Ev animal 061 01 Gold Dallycrab x10
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x20
Int gar13 iuice1 cmps
Seaside-Vacation Juice A
Natural Banner
Port Resort 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 1-7: Collect Ev animal 060 00 Orange Dallycrab x40
  • Complete task 2-7: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x30
Int gar13 table cmps
Port-Resort Table
Natural Banner
Port Resort 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 2-5: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x18
  • Complete task 3-2: Collect Ev animal 061 00 Silver Dallycrab x3
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 035 01 Yellow Paper-Petals x20


Name Theme Catalog Category How to Obtain
Acc gar13 glass cmps
Seaside-Vacation Shades
Sporty Banner
Port Resort Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 1-1: Collect Ev animal 060 00 Orange Dallycrab x1
  • Complete task 2-14: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x120
Tops gar13 onepiece cmps
Seaside-Vacation Dress
Natural Banner
Port Resort Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 1-12: Collect Ev animal 060 00 Orange Dallycrab x80
  • Complete task 2-2: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x3
Tops gar13 shirts cmps
Seaside-Vacation Shirt
Natural Banner
Port Resort Obtained in the following way(s) during the Gulliver's Port Resort event:
  • Complete task 1-4: Collect Ev animal 060 00 Orange Dallycrab x15
  • Complete task 2-12: Collect Ev animal 060 01 Pink Dallycrab x80
