Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Garden Creature
Orange Magic Hatbat
Ev animal 066 01
Catalog Category
Mystical Halloween Magic
Sells For

How to Obtain[]

Obtained during Jack's Creepy Conjuring.

The flower required and the related spawn/capture percentage for the Orange Magic Hatbat are as follows:

Flower {{#tip-text: Spawn Percentage | Chance for creature to spawn on flower.}} {{#tip-text: Capture Percentage | Chance for player to capture creature.}}
Ev flower 038 00 -2838 Orange Presto Pumpkin % %



Name Theme Catalog Category Size How to Obtain
Int gar16 box1 cmps
Purple Spellcaster Set
Hip Banner
Mystical Halloween Magic 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jack's Creepy Conjuring event:
  • Complete task 2-14: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x120
  • Complete task 3-2: Collect Ev animal 067 00 Silver Magic Hatbat x3
Int gar16 chair cmps
Mystical Star Chair
Hip Banner
Mystical Halloween Magic 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jack's Creepy Conjuring event:
  • Complete task 1-4: Collect Ev animal 066 00 Yellow Magic Hatbat x15
  • Complete task 1-14: Collect Ev animal 066 00 Yellow Magic Hatbat x120
  • Complete task 2-2: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x3
  • Complete task 2-8: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x37
Int gar16 light h cmps
Seafoam Enchanted Star
Hip Banner
Mystical Halloween Magic 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jack's Creepy Conjuring event:
  • Complete task 1-10: Collect Ev animal 066 00 Yellow Magic Hatbat x60
  • Complete task 2-5: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x18
  • Complete task 2-12: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x80
  • Complete task 3-5: Collect Ev animal 067 00 Silver Magic Hatbat x20
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 038 01 -2843 Purple Presto Pumpkin x30
Int gar16 pot cmps
Magic Starry Cauldron
Hip Banner
Mystical Halloween Magic 4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jack's Creepy Conjuring event:
  • Complete task 2-10: Collect Ev animal 066 01 Orange Magic Hatbat x50
  • Complete task 4-11: Collect Ev animal 067 01 Gold Magic Hatbat x70
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 038 01 -2843 Purple Presto Pumpkin x100


  • None
