Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki

Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt 26 (Merrymaking) is an event held in-game from December 21, 2020 to December 30, 2020 that featured special furniture and clothes with a Toy Day theme which players could obtain through crafting.

Most of the items required an event-specific crafting material, the Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite which was obtained via the player finding them on the ground and collecting them, as a gift from villagers at the campsite, and occasionally as a featured reward through Shovelstrike Quarry Icon Shovelstrike Quarry.

Gyroidite Spawns[ | ]

The Gyroidites could potentially spawn at the Market Place, OK Motors, Breezy Hollow, Lost Lure Creek, Saltwater Shores, and Sunburst Island.

Non-spawn locations are Campsite, Garden, Camper, and Cabin.

  • There can be a maximum of 18 Gyroidites spawned on the map at the same time.
  • New Gyroidites re-spawn approximately every 4 minutes, regardless of where the player is on the map and whether the game is open vs closed.
  • If the player opens the game in the Campsite and travels to one of the four recreation spots (Breezy Hollow, Lost Lure Creek, Saltwater Shores, or Sunburst Island) first, it's possible to collect more than 10 Gyroidites at that first location.

Event Challenges[ | ]

These were Gyroid Goals Icon timed goals which lasted the entire duration of the event which rewarded Material Sparkle Stones Sparkle Stones, and Leaf Ticket Leaf Tickets. The Goals are as follows:

Event Goal Set
Bg party
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Friendgift sea 202012 01
x 1
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 5 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 10 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 15 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 25 times.

Event Goal Set
Bg party
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Leaf Ticket
x 3
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 30 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 40 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 55 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 70 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 90 times.

Event Goal Set
Bg party
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Leaf Ticket
x 3
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 100 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 120 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 150 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 180 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 200 times.

Event Goal Set
Bg party
Set Reward Set Goal
Friendgift sea 202012 01
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Leaf Ticket
x 3
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 250 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Collect some Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 300 times.
Material sea18 00
x 1
Craft a Cap tre18 hat1 cmps
Toy Day Party Hat A
Material sea18 00
x 1
Craft a Cap tre18 hat2 cmps
Toy Day Party Hat B
Material sea18 00
x 1
Craft a Int tre18 chair cmps
Festive Chair

Event Goal Set
Bg party
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Friendgift sea 202012 01
x 1
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
Material sea18 00
x 2
Craft a Int tre18 table cmps
Festive Table
Material sea18 00
x 2
Craft some Int tre18 lamp cmps
Stocking-Stuffer Lamp
Material sea18 00
x 2
Craft a Int tre18 cuisine cmps
Toy Day Hors D'oeuvres
Material sea18 00
x 2
Craft a Int tre18 sweets cmps
Toy Day Sweets
Material sea18 00
x 2
Craft a Int tre18 maintable cmps
Toy Day Spread

Event Item Rewards[ | ]

Furniture[ | ]

Name Theme Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Sells For
Int tre18 wal cmps
Festive Screen
Rustic 100 Leaf Ticket Leaf Ticket 0 Bells Bells 0 Seconds 700 Bells Bells
Int tre18 maintable cmps
Toy Day Spread
Rustic 300 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 7200 Bells Bells 24 Hour(s) 1600 Bells Bells
Int tre18 cuisine cmps
Toy Day Hors D'oeuvres
Rustic 150 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 3600 Bells Bells 15 Hour(s) 700 Bells Bells
Int tre18 sweets cmps
Toy Day Sweets
Rustic 150 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 3600 Bells Bells 15 Hour(s) 700 Bells Bells
Int tre18 lamp cmps
Stocking-Stuffer Lamp
Rustic 90 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 2160 Bells Bells 8 Hour(s) 400 Bells Bells
Int tre18 table cmps
Festive Table
Rustic 80 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 1920 Bells Bells 6 Hour(s) 700 Bells Bells
Int tre18 chair cmps
Festive Chair
Rustic 30 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 720 Bells Bells 3 Hour(s) 400 Bells Bells

Clothing[ | ]

Name Theme Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Sells For
Goods tre18 boots cmps
Toy Day Stocking
Rustic Banner 120 Leaf Ticket Leaf Ticket 0 Bells Bells 0 Seconds 1600 Bells Bells
Cap tre18 hat1 cmps
Toy Day Party Hat A
Rustic Banner 20 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 480 Bells Bells 2 Hour(s) 400 Bells Bells
Cap tre18 hat2 cmps
Toy Day Party Hat B
Rustic Banner 20 Material tre18 00 Festive Gyroidite 480 Bells Bells 2 Hour(s) 400 Bells Bells

Related Event Classes[ | ]

Name Type Start Date End Date
Ftr pzl 4002004 Merrymaking at Home 1
Dec 21st 2020
Dec 30th 2020
Ftr pzl 4002005 Merrymaking at Home 2
Dec 21st 2020
Dec 30th 2020
Ftr pzl 4002006 Merrymaking at Home 3
Dec 21st 2020
Dec 30th 2020
