Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Garden Creature
Gold Crafty Butterfly
Ev animal 119 01
Catalog Category
Crafty Toy Day
Sells For

How to Obtain[]

Obtained during Jingle's Crafty Toy Day.

The flower required and the related spawn/capture percentage for the Gold Crafty Butterfly are as follows:

Flower {{#tip-text: Spawn Percentage | Chance for creature to spawn on flower.}} {{#tip-text: Capture Percentage | Chance for player to capture creature.}}
Ev flower 064 01 Silver Pine-Cone Tree % %



Name Theme Catalog Category Size How to Obtain
Int gar42 stove cmps
White Heated Lantern
Natural Banner
Crafty Toy Day 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 4-3: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x6
  • Complete task 4-9: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x50
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 064 01 Silver Pine-Cone Tree x80
Int gar42 table cmps
Toy Day Crafting Table
Natural Banner
Crafty Toy Day 4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Ev animal 118 01 Green Crafty Butterfly x24
  • Complete task 4-1: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x1
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Ev flower 064 01 Silver Pine-Cone Tree x80
Int gar42 tableset1 cmps
Cranberry Craft Space
Natural Banner
Crafty Toy Day 4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 3-8: Collect Ev animal 119 00 Silver Crafty Butterfly x45
  • Complete task 3-11: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x70
Int gar42 tableset2 cmps
Evergreen Craft Space
Natural Banner
Uncategorized 4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 3-13: Collect Ev animal 119 00 Silver Crafty Butterfly x90
  • Complete task 4-11: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x70
Int gar42 tree1 cmps
Crafty Toy Day Tree
Natural Banner
Crafty Toy Day 6x6 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 4-8: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x40
Int gar42 tree2 cmps
Painted Toy Day Tree
Natural Banner
Uncategorized 6x6 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 4-13: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x90
Int gar42 wreath cmps
Crafty Welcome Wreath
Natural Banner
Crafty Toy Day 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Jingle's Crafty Toy Day event:
  • Complete task 1-10: Collect Ev animal 118 00 Brown Crafty Butterfly x60
  • Complete task 4-6: Collect Ev animal 119 01 Gold Crafty Butterfly x24
  • Complete task 3-9: Collect Ev animal 119 00 Silver Crafty Butterfly x50


  • None
