Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Glowing Toy Day Gift
Friendgift spe 007
Gifts Required
Selling Price
1,800 Bells Bells

How to Obtain[]

You can obtain this Gift by participating in the Jingle's Toy Day Gifts event.


This item is only for sending to friends. Only the friend you send this item to can open it.

Gift Contents[]

The contents of this gift are random.

Int etc07 cat cmps Cat-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 dog cmps Dog-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 rbt cmps Rabbit-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 der cmps Deer-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 mus cmps Mouse-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 squ cmps Squirrel-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 cbr cmps Cub-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 wol cmps Wolf-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 shp cmps Sheep-Silhouette Lamp
Int etc07 pbr cmps Eagle-Silhouette Lamp
