Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki
Gulliver Island
Big-Beetle Island
Gulliver ship icon island 00 05
Travel Time
2 Hour(s)
Points Needed

Using Gulliver Ship Icon Gulliver's Ship, you can export items to various islands in exchange for souvenirs.

Suggested Exports[]

When you've added enough export points, Gulliver's Ship can depart.

Gulliver Icon 600 pts. needed
Export Item Export Points Load Limit
Gulliver export 00 00 Plain Package 30 pts. -
Gulliver export 08 00 Golden Package 600 pts. -
Horned Dynastid Horned Dynastid 100 pts. -
Saw Stag Saw Stag 100 pts. -
Miyama Stag Miyama Stag 300 pts. -
Icn 182 Goliath Beetle 300 pts. -
Fruit Beetle Fruit Beetle 60 pts. -
Insect nana Walking Stick 100 pts. -
Insect Plakoga Scarab Beetle 300 pts. -
Insect hosoaka Cyclommatus Stag 300 pts. -
Jewel Beetle Jewel Beetle 300 pts. -

Souvenirs Offered[]

Appearance rates will change depending on the number of items remaining on the island.

Souvenir Available Appearance Rate
Material Sparkle Stones Sparkle Stones 1 23.8095%
Honey Honey x2 1 38.0952%
Gift sweet02 Gold Treats 1 38.0952%
Completion Bonus
Honey Honey x2